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Story Of pain which rhymes...wht an irony..!!
Suddenly i realise that you were parting me in a flow.
She was going and i was looking at her,
After somtime her image becomes hazy and blur..
My heart heart pricked me to go, but i was lost..
Then my heart begged its enemy "the mind" to convince me,
but my mind charged a cost..
Losing all hopes my heart jumped out of my chestand started
following her..
I was lying down and bleeding,
but my heart hardly cared for me..
My heart reached her and touched her feet,
but she refuted to glee,
as my heart was too small for her to see..
My heart came to me crying and crying..
I accepted my broken heart and continued with my soul-less ife..
After some days,
I realized that my heart's enemy "the mind" were greatest
Because they realised that they can work mutually not
And because of their pact,
today i am the person in front of you,
who is claiming that he has learnt from his life's cues..
The pain behind my eyes and heart you may not feel,
but dont fall for a person who doesnt understand your appeal..
For a glimpse of happiness on her face to see,
You will rash yourself from toe to knee..
But wht an irony this pain has,
She wil prick ur wounds and say "take care"
As if everything she has done is nice and fair....
Now i close my stupid chapter on pain..
Because everything that i said is vain and void,
as she is listening to me and trying to avoid..
So let me close and let me die.....yes let me die !!!!
Poet : aman rastogi
Living with a saint is more grueling than being one. - Robert Neville
With You...Always
Is that you I see
Smiling from behind the wall?
Or is it an illusion I build up..
But oh, that's your voice
Resounding just near me,
Quit playing games, I know.
The swing in our balcony
Keeps swinging in anticipation.
Why dont you join me this dusk?
You live in my dreams,
And disappear with the morn
But I know you are there, I know.
I bought you fresh flowers
And cooked your favourite meal
Now come, I can take it no more.
I sense you around me,
In my whole being and soul..
The prank now spells agony
Do stop it, I plead.
They say you are no more
Their tears seem unfeigned.
But how do I believe them,
Didnt you promise you'd be with me?
You were often late for lunch
But you always arrived.
I know you will be home soon, I am waiting.
I will rouse you from slumber
You have to be with me.
I hate broken promises,
You cant possibly break yours.
Our love colors our life
It will bring you back to me.
I know, it will.
Its just a matter of time.
You are my life, my love
Without you, a life I cant envisage
If you plan to play some more
And act so nonchalant about it,
I will emancipate my existence.
I am coming to you myself
This very moment.
As stars in the nightsky we'll shine
In one constellation set apart,
We'll glow with the love we nurtured all life.
And never again will we depart..
Poet : deboshree...